On Sat, 20 Dec 2003, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

> I want to share a conversation that I hope sheds some light on what it
> means to be on the PMC.
> I was talking to a friend yesterday who said
> "I fear additional responsibility".
> I told him that he should have nothing to fear, as what's being asked
> for is that the committers simply continue to pay attention.  His
> response was
> "paying attention is a _big_ responsibility"
> "That's true", I thought. So I told him
> "but if you are interested in the project you are going to do that
> anyway.  IOW, most committers are paying attention to what's coming in"
> "jakarta is just so big though"
> Aha!
> Being on the PMC doesn't mean you have to watch *every* commit in
> *every* project.  The requirement of the PMC is that it, as a committee
> delegated oversight authority by the board, is responsible as a *group*
> for that oversight.  If we can organize ourselves so that there is
> coverage that to an outside observer would be deemed reasonable and
> effective, then we satisfy the needs of the ASF. (The board could void
> this interpretation, but so far has indicated that it wouldn't).

If a PMC member doesn't watch every commit in every project - as surely
few, if any, do - s/he needs to at least have trust in enough other PMC
members to cover the projects s/he is not involved with. Because, as a PMC
member, s/he is still responsible for decisions made by the PMC. That's a
good deal of trust to place in others s/he might not encounter anywhere
other than on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.

Martin Cooper

> So this person, who participates in <foo> and some components of
> Jakarta Commons, would just continue to do what he normally does -
> participate as he does already.
> The only difference is that we would do our job and ensure that he
> understands the rules about contributions, CLAs, and what code
> contributions require the Incubator for IP accountability.  ( Incubator
> => Largish contributions from outside of the ASF.  Largish is loosely
> defined :  Small patch- and file-sized commits and contributions don't
> need Incubator, an entire database project from Oracle does.  The line
> is somewhere in the middle :)
> Anyway, I hope this example helps.  It certainly gave me insight into
> what this individual was struggling with, and I assume that he isn't
> the only one...
> geir

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