Stephen Colebourne wrote:
From: "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What really saddens me is the idea of chasing them out the door.

To use an analogy, its like being the parents of a family, where the children, aged from 4 to 40, are all living at home. It strikes me that it isn't healthy for that 40 year old to be living at home, expecting his parents to do the washing, feed him and make his bed. Instead, the good parent should be gently enabling the child to set out on their own in the next phase of their life.

Sometimes letting go is the hardest part of being a parent.


So you consider jakarta subprojects as some children, the PMC that makes the bed and feeds them ? ( and the board as the "big brother" I suppose:-)?

I don't know where did you get this idea, but it seems there are quite a few people who feel like "big brothers" who know what's better for the childish jakarta projects and would like to "encourage" them to do what they think is best.

I see jakarta more like a union ( EU-style ), were the different projects that joined are mature entities that choose to
be part of jakarta ( and can choose to get out - all that's needed is a vote ). And the PMC role is to make sure the rules are respected ( oversight ) - not to wash/feed/make the bed for subprojects.

So I'm -1 on your proposal ( if you care counting - it seems most people
who propose pushing projects to TLP would do anything to reach this goal - except proposing this in the sub-projects they participate in and counting the resulting votes ).


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