The original vote tally for this vote was incorrectly listed as 4
+1 binding votes.  There were in fact 5 +1 binding votes.  The
restated results follow:

The resolution to approve a 2.0.8 maintenance release of jakarta-oro
has passed with 5 binding +1 votes from Jakarta PMC members and no -1
votes.  Many thanks to all who voted.  I will now proceed to package and
upload a release for distribution, update appropriate Web pages, and
email an announcement after 24 hours to give sufficient time for mirrors
to pick up the release.  A summary of the voting results follows:

Binding +1 Votes:

Santiago Gala      <>
Geir Magnusson Jr  <>
Craig McClanahan   <>
Scott Sanders      <>
Daniel Savarese    <>

Non-Binding +1 Votes:

Gary Gregory       <> (PMC membership pending paperwork)
Mark F. Murphy     <> (oro user and code contributor)
Takashi Okamoto    <> (oro user and code contributor)

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