Danny Angus a écrit :

Hi Henri,

I'm taking a serious look at Rich Internet Applications, and I'm
investigating using FlashMX as client.

Did some of you have some experiences on this ?

Yep, I've developed two server apps for Flash clients using XMLRPC
(http://www.proboscis.org.uk/urbantapestries/index.html is one project),
both projects made use of a framework which I wrote (at autonomous
software) which included code generation for object/rdb data access classes
and XMLRPC handlers.

From my POV (delivering the server) it was extremely sucessful, however
overall Flash's complete inability to handle XML efficiently meant that
when we compared our average calls' timing on a java client (built purely
for the comparison) and the Flash client there was up to a 10 fold increase
in time taken for a call on flash over java. In fact at some points Flash
appeared to hang and eventually came up with a dialogue proclaiming
something like "flash is taking a very long time, do you want to abandon
this or continue?"

Introducing timings into the mix revealed that it was Flash parsing the xml
response which was killing performance.
The problem increased exponentially with the size of the response.
My conclusion is that you have to either keep the response xml small and
make many short requests, or abandon xml or Flash in favour of something
more efficient. The XML RPC guys have been talking about using gz
compression on the XML, which would have helped us with bandwidth, our
clients were on limited bandwidth mobile devices, perhaps this would also
tip the balance in favour of making many small requests, but it wouldn't
address the woefully slow and hungry XML parsing of flash.

Perhaps soneone at xml.Apache would liek to write an actionscript xml
parser .....

XML parsing is reported very slow in Flash MX (Flash 6 at least).

Do you try astranslator http://carbonfive.sourceforge.net/astranslator ?

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