On Apr 14, 2004, at 4:09 PM, Adrian Sutton wrote:

Geir et al,
Sorry that was my fault. It was my understanding that the PMC had to vote on it and thus logical to forward it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I had however forgotten to take into account the fact that pmc@ is a private list.


You did the right thing. HttpClient voted as a community to ask Jakarta to be a sub-project. We the PMC had to initiate a formal vote, and I made the mistake of doing it on the pmc list...



Adrian Sutton.

On 15/04/2004, at 2:29 AM, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:


The HttpClient project has voted to ask to become a Jakarta sub-project. The PMC is voting on expanding Jakarta, and I personally apologize to the community for accidentally holding the vote on the private PMC list. In order to keep confusion to to a minimum, we'll keep it there and do better next time.

If anyone has any comments, speak now or forever hold it... :)


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