On Mon, 27 Sep 2004, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

This is an issue important to me as well - I'd like to see this go away, so we can use software w/ the LGPL. But until the problem is resolved, right now the only way is to use via a dynamic dispatch mechanism.

I've been thinking about this for a while, and have some funny solutions requiring a bit of classloader magic. Happy to start something in the sandbox :)

Is the problem with LGPL at ASF only a Java issue? Can httpd depend on LGPL'd code?

If so, then funny solutions sound useful. If it's a problem for all ASF languages, then it's pointless to do anything.

One funny solution...

generic-xxx, like commons-logging. Except it's not compiled at all.
generic-orm is an API we define as an abstraction of hibernate, ojb, others. It is not an interface, but an actual class that delegates calls at runtime over to the implementation. It would use a configuration file to handle the delegation.

generic-regexp would be a nice one to have, like commons-regexp but including the LGPL'd gnu-regexp. Also a simpler version than ORM stuff.


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