> How can we find out whats already planned by Sun.

I asked that exact question, and was told that they don't want to bias our
input by telling us what is already on the plan.  FWIW, I know that some of
the things are already on some plans there.  There is a big meeting on
Monday to address futures.

> I'm sure us Commons Math folks would all like to see the
> Nist/Java Grande rectangular matrices issue finalized and
> implemented.

> http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=083

I don't see anything on the JSR-083 site that says that the Expert Group has
produced or finalized anything.  But to the general point ...

> Theres a severe bottleneck here where if there isn't a "lead" at
> Sun to channel the JCP into the standard, then it just sits there,
> festering and dying. My fear is that the same would happen to any
> of Jakarta's efforts to do the same. Ultimately, I wonder why Sun
> is going around their own designed community process to interact
> with Apache concerning these sorts of questions?

They aren't.  This request is coming from the J2SE lead.  Sun has been
speaking with many partners for months to do preliminary research for
planning the Mustang (J2SE 6) Umbrella JSR.  They explicitly hope that the
ASF will participate on that Expert Group.  This is preliminary work before
setting up the JSR.

        --- Noel

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