On Sun, 13 Feb 2005, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To do this copying, I basically want to do the equivalent of:
> -------
> For each downloads_*.html file
>   copy downloads.cgi downloads_*.cgi
> --------
> Any idea how I do that in Ant?

The first answer which many people in Ant land won't like is, use
AntContrib's[1] <for> or <foreach> task.

> Mappers seem like they'd want to be copying the html file to the cgi
> file; ie) wildcard in to and from.

You can do better than that.

The first thing you want is having copy to copy to multiple target
files, to do this you need Ant 1.6 and set the enablemultipolemappings
attribute to true.

To create the mappings, the best solution is writing a custom mapper,
this sounds more difficult than it actually is, in particular if you
are willing to use Ant 1.6.2 where you can simply <typedef> a new

The basic idea is that you write a class that implements
FileNameMapper, has a dir attribute (read a public setDir(File)
method), completely ignores the from and to attributes and scans the
given directory for downlod_*.html files on the first invocation of
mapFileName.  mapFileName then returns null for any argument that's
not download.cgi and an array consisting of all download_*.cgi files
you need for download.cgi.

Let me know if you want to go that route and my description turns out
to be too sketchy.



[1]  http://ant-contrib.sf.net/

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