On Wed, 23 Feb 2005, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I assume that the JDK stuff in the classpath is going to butcher
> even an attempt to use Xalan directly via the <java> tag.

If you use <bootclasspath> instead of <classpath> it should work.

> The second is the use of the redirect extension.

This is where I thought we might use a different solution.  Use an Ant
task instead of redirect extensions.

> The third is just that XSLTC orders the attributes differently from
> Xalan, so every site build is going to hit lots of pages (ie bad svn
> diffs) if we switch back and forth between JVMs.

Yes, I've seen you mention that and looked for a way to control the
behaviour of either - haven't found anything yet.


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