Due to the timeliness of this, I plan to send it Sunday night. Given that we're on a weekend, I doubt it will be read until Monday.

Any opinions?

Subject: Tomcat 5.0 error in JOLT announcement

Hi Kate,

I'm writing to let you know about a serious error on your JOLT product excellence awards press release, and I assume in your forthcoming June 2005 issue:


You've incorrectly attributed Apache's Tomcat 5.0 product to "The Apache Jakarta Project and leading Tomcat contributor JBoss".

There are two, very big, problems with this.

The first is that Apache does not have a concept of leading contributors, it is completely out of sync with the very philosophies that lie at the heart of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF).

The second is that JBoss are not a contributor to Tomcat. Two Tomcat committers are employed by JBoss Inc, but they commit to projects at the ASF as individuals and not as members of a company. This is true of all committers to the ASF, whether the company be Sun, IBM or Fred Bloggs Inc.

We would like to request that this be changed to:

Tomcat 5.0 (The Apache Software Foundation)

in both the press release (pdf url above) and the forthcoming June 2005 issue.


Henri Yandell
V.P., Apache Jakarta

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