Can we please separate the two different topics being discussed here?

The original purpose of this discussion was to see if there is general concensus that a Webapp Commons (or whatever name we end up with) is a good idea. If we think it is, then we need to develop a charter, come up with a name, and officially make the proposal to the PMC. We also need to discuss other aspects, such as whether or not we want to follow the Jakarta Commons model, with separate Proper and Sandbox components.

Once we've got to that point, we can have discussions about the various sources from which code might be contributed. Some of those will be from inside of Jakarta, or other ASF projects, and some might be from external sources. IMHO, the discussion of potential external sources and potential new ASF committers is premature at this point. I think we need to get off the ground first.

Finally, I'll point out that any substantive contributions would need to come in through the incubator. That being the case, we're not in any position to make judgements or promises, here and now, about what can be brought in and / or who may or may not become committers on the new subproject.

(Frank, I am *not* trying to shut you out. I'm simply trying to get the new subproject off the ground without complicating things by discussing external elements prematurely.)

Martin Cooper

On Wed, 22 Jun 2005, Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

robert burrell donkin wrote:
that's understandable but is likely to cause wrinkles in the approval
process. a subproject needs a name and a charter before it can be
approved. no guarantees could be offered since accepting new committers
is something that sould be delegated to the new community.

I definitely see the conundrum.

You touched on something too that I hadn't even brought up directly... If I'm going to give up the name, and end my project and contribute all the code I've written, I don't think it is unreasonable to ask to be a committer on the new Jakarta project.

I may be mistaken, but I thought part of the approval process is a list of initial committers? I thought I had seen that at one point on the new project proposal paperwork. If so, I'd say that could take care of this part of things because I could be named a committer initially, then everything else as far as names and initial code goes falls in to place pretty easily.

anyone have any opinions about this?

If the above isn't true, one possible suggestion is to proceed with a contingent name... The contingency being the community accepting me as a committer. There would still be a name in reserve if that should not happen.

I hope I'm not coming across like an a**hole here trying to worm my way in... I believe what I'm saying is reasonable, if anyone disagrees please feel free to tell me so.

if you could leave it a little while before changing the name of your
project to WP4J, that might give us some time to prepare the documents

I actually didn't mean I would change my project name... In my mind, there are three possible paths here...

One is that the Jakarta project takes my name, and my projects ends and all the code is contributed. Two is that the Jakarta project takes a completely different name and I still end my project and contribute all the code. Third is that my project continues as-is and the Jakarta project takes a completely different name.

There is the fourth option of me changing my proejects' name and keeping in separate, but that presents problems for me at this point so I wouldn't be especially inclined to do that. I suppose I wouldn't rule it completely out, but it would definitely be last on my list.


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