I help manage tomcat-users and tomcat-dev, both high volume lists. We use the following policy for both lists:

- anyone can subscribe
- subscriptions are not moderated
- subscribers can post
- posts from non-subscribers are rejected

This works pretty well, the only things tending to go wrong are:
- genuine users not subscribing and not reading/understanding the reject message - less than 10 a week and easy to deal with - auto-responders managing to subscribe themselves to the list - again less than 10 a week and easy to deal with

The only time we have had real problems in the last 2 years has been when an auto-responder managed to get subscribed to the list and was replying to its own replies. This killed the list until my unsubscribe and deny-subscribe messages got through.

Whilst no system is perfect this works well for us and on most days I spend between 0 and 5 minutes dealing with list issues.

So this can be decided on a per-project basis already?


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