Sorry for the 5 day instead of 1 day delay. Decided it was time to sell the house so have spent much time tidying up :)

Please vote from the following shortlist of names. Please ignore the Web vs Web App vs Webapp issue for the moment.

[ ] Apache Silk [ ] Apache Web Bricks
[ ]    Apache Web Commons (branding issue with Commons)
[ ]    Apache Web Components
[ ]    Apache Web Parts   (conflict with Microsoft and an project)

Assuming it doesn't degenerate into confusion, I'll end the vote on Sunday midday EST. 3 votes needed, simple majority wins.

(On Silk:
  Old name of JScheme back in the 90s. Unsure why they renamed.
  One of the potential names for Java:

Veto'd, either by lack of anyone pushing them forward when I listed options, or by what seemed to be good reasons:
Web Artifacts     - artifacts too vague
Web Modules       - modules too overloaded
Web League        - implications on community structure
Web Confederation - implications on community structure
Web Bloc          - ditto;
Webbies           - website awards
Weblets           - implies inheritable framework
Arctic, Telsa     - Too obscure
Web Tools         - Clash with Eclipse, seems like it would be too close
Jakartlets        - Jakarta shouldn't be in the name
Web Libs          - Hard to say quickly :)

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