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- == September 2005 Board Report ==
+ <in process of being sent to the board>
- === Status ===
- Various issues of note occurred this month:
-  * POI legal issue (in bugzilla) - A POI contributor had submitted a Bugzilla 
entry that was based on documentation on a website that should not have legally 
been there. The attached files were removed by the admin and a suitable comment 
inserted. This legally issue is effectively closed as it's a big grey legal 
tightrope and all that's left to see is if the pain has put the contributor off 
of contributing again.
-  * BeanUtils legal issue (in code) - Sam Ruby raised a concern over code in 
Commons BeanUtils described in the code as "Package private support methods 
(copied from java.beans.Introspector)", ie) were we legally covered. 
[]. Based on the bug 
entry, Niall Pemberton rewrote the code in question (he was not party to the 
conversation on pmc@ though), which may or may not be enough, but was probably 
desirable from a technical point of view anyway. The issue is still open and 
being dealt with on the members@ and [EMAIL PROTECTED] lists.
-  * HttpClient renaming query - Commons HttpClient is seeking to move from 
Commons to a full Jakarta subproject. They're had their own mailing lists for a 
long time and this is something we should have done a long time ago. The name 
'Jakarta Http' was raised and disapproval quickly voiced by other projects with 
whom it would cause confusion. Expect more on this in the next report.
-  * Silk subproject - 'Apache Jakarta Silk' was chosen as the name for a new 
subproject to contain Web components. Various parts of Commons and Taglibs will 
form the initial codebase. The name was passed to the PRC who raised questions 
on potential clashes with other products/companies. This issue is still open.
-  * Commons Sandbox - It's become increasingly obvious that the Commons 
Sandbox governance needs some attention. Discussions at the ApacheCon EU 
brought forth the idea of a 'commons/dormant' status, and many of the sandbox 
components have been moved to that. Various legal issues are becoming more well 
known, such as the need to sign software grants, and the recently added 
commons-proxy is in the process of that, and a new commons-csv component will 
be doing the same thing.
- ==== Inactivity ====
- Managing inactivity is becoming a critical issue. The promotion of the 
larger, more noticeably vibrant subcommunities from the Jakarta umbrella has 
made it a lot more obvious where there are gaping holes of inactivity. The 
community is reacting to deal with that, sometimes naturally, sometimes with a 
nudge and on some occasions it looks like we'll probably just need a state of 
dormancy for codebases. Here's a quick list that affects 50% of the subprojects:
-  * Taglibs. This is teetering dangerously close to inactivity. Three active 
committers, but they're largely focused on one or two of the components. The 
solution is going to be to move the active concerns to the Silk subproject and 
archive all of the inactive components. This community's coma is largely 
induced by the release of JSTL a few years back, a new standard that replicated 
much of the work that was there.
-  * BCEL activity increased a lot, commits are largely from one person though 
there are other Apache committers replying on the lists.
-  * Failure to improve BSF PMC oversight this quarter (chair's fault), a 
critical issue for the next quarter. 
-  * ORO, Regexp, ECS are all completely inactive. Watchdog and Alexandria are 
- === Releases ===
-  * 08 September 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-6 released
-  * 02 September 2005 - Turbine Stratum 1.0 Released
-  * 29 August 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-5 Released
-  * 24 August 2005 - JMeter 2.1 released
-  * 23 August 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-beta-3 Released
-  * 17 August 2005 - Cactus 1.7.1 Released
-  * 11 August 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-4 Released
-  * 04 August 2005 - Reusable Dialog Components (RDC) Taglib graduated from 
Sandbox to Proper
-  * 01 August 2005 - Right Commons-Cli 1.0 Jar Now In Java Repository
-  * 26 July 2005 - Commons Betwixt 0.7 Released
-  * 26 July 2005 - Reusable Dialog Components (RDC) Taglib 1.0 Released
-  * 25 July 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-3 Released
-  * 24 July 2005 - Apache Jakarta Tomcat 5.5.10-alpha Released
-  * 10 July 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-2 Released
-  * 28 June 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-beta-2 Released
-  * 26 June 2005 - Commons HttpClient 3.0rc3 Released
-  * 25 June 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-1 Released 
- === Community changes ===
- ==== PMC additions ====
-  * Jul 17 - Brett Porter
-  * Aug 21 - Peter Lin
-  * Aug 21 - Sebastian Bazley
-  * Aug 21 - Torsten Curdt
-  * Sep 12 - Niall Pemberton
- ==== New committers ====
-  * Jul 14 - Achim Huegen (Hivemind)
-  * Jul 14 - Rahul Akolkar (Taglibs)
- === Infrastructure news ===
- SVN Migrations:
-     * Slide, Turbine, Tapestry, Cactus, Taglibs, JCS all done
-     * POI, JMeter left to migrate
- === Subproject news ===
- ==== Agila (under incubation) ====
- Slowly growing. 4 committers, August has seen 9 threads or so (with patches) 
from a new user, so a nice sign there. Another project, Twister, merged in 
relatively quietly in April/May.
- ==== Cactus ====
- Cactus 1.7.1 Release: this was a minor release with some bug fixes and minor 
improvements, specially in the Maven plugin.
- The upcoming Cactus 1.8 will introduce major changes, like full integration 
with Cargo and (hopefully) being built by Maven (or Maven 2).
- ==== Commons Betwixt ====
- Commons Betwixt 0.7 Release: this was a feature release consolidating a lot 
of new functionality added in the months since 0.6. 
- The ratio of users to active committers remains too low. More developers but 
since patchers are interested in adding the bit of functionality they need for 
their project, it's hard to convert developers into committers. 
- Some interesting new directions coming from db and webservices at Apache. 
Some interesting talks with members of the wider start-from-java community but 
these may lead in novel directions. 
- ==== Commons CLI ====
- (* summarized from
- The 1.0 jar file published on ibiblio at was overwritten at some point by 
a snapshot of later code; therefore any project that uses Maven to build code 
which declares a dependency on commons-cli 1.0 may have downloaded and cached 
the incorrect file. The snapshot contained a number of API differences. 
- The old 1.0 jar was renamed to commons-cli-20040117.000000.jar and a correct 
commons-cli-1.0.jar put in place.
- ==== Commons Email ====
- With a few remaining issues resolved, CfV for Version 1.0 is again under way. 
The commons-email team expects a release in September.
- ==== Commons HttpClient ====
- Apparently many users have started switching to 3.0 release candidates, as 
bug reports have seen an increase recently. The team is tackling the real 
issues and is looking forward to a stable release soon.
- During the development of the 4.0 code questions about a new project scope 
arose and will eventually lead to a new name of the project. A new 
[ project charter] 
is underway.
- GSOC: The student Samit Jain has contributed substantial code to support 
RFC-2965 (Cookie2). Development of this feature is still ongoing on a separate 
SVN branch and will not be included before release 3.1.
- ==== Commons Math (GSOC summary) ====
- Xiaogang Zhang successfully completed his Summer of Code project, 
contributing significant additions and enhancements to the commons-math 
numerical analysis package and the beginnings of a transform package.  Most of 
these improvements have been committed to svn trunk and will be included in 
version 1.2.  Some of his contributions are still in review / revision.  He 
also contributed enhancements and bug fixes outside of the scope of his SOC 
project, which will be included in the 1.1 release in preparation.
- ==== Commons Sandbox ====
-  * Commons Exec started, seeded with code from Ant's Exec task.
-  * Commons Proxy started (more info needed?)
-  * Commons SCXML started, seeded with code from the Reusable Dialog 
Components (RDC) Taglib. Commons SCXML is a reference implementation of the 
[ W3C State Chart XML Working 
-  * Inactive projects have been moved to a dormant repository
- ==== Hivemind ====
- (* No report from Hivemind, so notes from the chair. Hivemind will have a 
report in the next quarterly report)
- Nothing obvious to worry about with respect to Hivemind. It's ticking along 
with Howard, James, Achim and Knut all creating tasks/closing bugs. It's 
releasing a steady stream of alpha and beta's to reach a goal of a stable 1.1 
release prior to Tapestry's next release. Looking at the last quarter's report 
from Hivemind, the major item to report is that Achim successfully became a 
- ==== JMeter ====
- 24 August 2005 - JMeter 2.1 released.
- Release 2.1 includes an additional script format - smaller, more compact, 
more readable - based on Xstream. 
- There are updates to the JMS, JDBC, WSDL and XML processing. 
- Also a new config item, CSV DataSet for easier test parameterisation.
- Still need to move code to SVN. The test migration showed up a few minor 
issues with the tool.
- Sebastian Bazley and Peter Lin elected to the Jakarta PMC.
- ==== Taglibs (RDC) ====
- Reusable Dialog Components (RDC) Taglib 1.0 was released on 26th July 2005. 
The RDC Taglib showed growing community interest over the months preceding the 
1.0 release, with multiple contributions from users and it became evident that 
an initial 1.0 release would give users something to work with. Accordingly, 
Jakarta now offers a framework that allows speech, cross-channel and 
potentially, multi-modal applications to be developed using existing web 
application authoring paradigms.
- The RDC release resulted in the RDC Taglib being deemed to have graduated 
Taglibs Sandbox, and is now part of Taglibs Proper.
- The activity around the RDC Taglib has also been instrumental in the birth of 
a new Commons Sandbox component, Commons SCXML. We envision the next minor RDC 
release to incorporate State Chart XML for the dialog controller over a group 
of RDCs.
- ==== Tapestry ====
- (* No report from Tapestry, so notes from the chair, Tapestry will have a 
report in the next quarterly report)
- Tapestry 4.0 is the obvious target with 6 beta releases this quarter. Howard 
brought up the desire to do weekly beta releases to the PMC, which has raised 
some discussion that is not yet closed.
- ==== Tomcat ====
- This is probably the final time Tomcat will be mentioned in a Jakarta board 
report.  But just for the record, the Tomcat team plans to complete its TLP 
move during this month.  That move includes both the CVS repositories, which 
have already been partially migrated to SVN outside the Jakarta SVN tree, and 
the web site materials.  We will be putting up with dedicated 
download, mailing list, and other pages.  We plan to replace the Jakarta pages 
that are specific to Tomcat with a redirect to the pages, in 
whatever the infrastructure team thinks is the most appropriate manner.
- This, of course, is no subtitute for a proper Tomcat PMC report to the board. 
 One will be created and submitted as  appropriate.
- I personally and the Tomcat PMC team in general would like to thank the 
Jakarta PMC for its help and support during the past years, and for its 
assistance with the migration to TLP.
- ==== Turbine ====
- 2. September 2005 - Turbine Stratum 1.0 released
- The Turbine team has decided to do some actual software paleontology and
- prepared a release of the long standing Turbine 2.3.x component layer called
- "Stratum". This release is intended as a closure to replace all the
- alpha and beta versions floating around. There is no further development
- beyond the 1.0 version planned.
- Building an official release of this component will allow all users of the
- Turbine 2.3 framework to build on a non-beta version and also give access to
- official release documentation from the Turbine project web site.
- 11. September 2005 - Turbine 2.3.2 RC 1 available
- 12. September 2005 - M.E.T.A. (Maven Environment for Turbine Applications) 
1.3 RC1 available
- CfV for these two releases is currently scheduled for Mon, Sep. 19th.

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