I adapted some build files and style sheets from my personal web site
for Jakarta this morning, while posting the Tapestry 4.0-beta-11
release notes.

Having posted a lot (!) of releases, I've grown very frustrated with
the very manual, tedious process.

There is now a general news files, news.xml, in the jakarta-site2 directory.

This file contains all new news.

The build process uses this file to generate an RSS feed, and to
generate XML content files in the site/news folder (which are then
converted to HTML).

The master index (at jakarta.apache.org/index.html) is generated from
this file as well (it is limited to the most recent 20 entries).

The format should be easy to grasp.  A root <news> element contains
<group> elements.  Each <group> has an @id and a @title and will be
used to generate a single news file in the site/news folder. 
Currently, a "group" is a calendar quarter, but this can change in the
future if things really heat up (i.e., monthly news pages rather than

<group> contains <release> and <news>.  Both of these contain an @id
attribute (consisting of "YYYYMMDD.x", i.e., a date stamp and index
within a day), and a @date attribute (a formatted date, such as "17
October 2005").  I suspect some clever juggling could programatically
generate the date from the id, but oh well.

<release> contains @product which is the product that was released
(i.e., "Tapestry 4.0-beta-11").

<news> contains @title which is simply the title of the news entry
(i.e., "Right Commons-Cli 1.0 Jar Now In Java Repository").

<release> and <news> contains a body of markup, the details about that
product release or general news entry.

I also update the site.xml navigation, to add a link to the RSS feed.

I'm quite happy with how it came out.  An RSS feed makes the site feel
a bit more modern and cared for.

I suspect at some point we'll need to find a way to split this one
news file into several files, but beyond that, this seems like an
approach we can all live with.

Howard M. Lewis Ship
Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
Creator, Jakarta Tapestry
Creator, Jakarta HiveMind

Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
and project work.  http://howardlewisship.com

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