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The following page has been changed by HenriYandell:

The comment on the change is:
And this should be this month's report....

  === Status ===
- Summarize the following:
+ ==== Follow up on last months issues ====
-  * JCS licence issues (Sleepycat, LGPL, Jisp, JGroups etc)
-  * POI mailing list issue
+  * Commons BeanUtils. A better understanding of the issue now exists. 6 
methods (3 fixed by Niall by refactoring to use other code, 3 as yet unchanged) 
were introduced from a patch by Craig many eons ago. Geir's going to talk to 
Sun to ask what they would like us to do. 
+  * Commons HttpClient is to move to Jakarta Http Components.
+  * The Silk naming issue for the desired Jakarta Web Components project is 
still unresolved. 
+  * Commons Sandbox. More sandbox'd components moved to dormancy.
+  * Inactivity. Commons is actively discussing methods to improve the 
development process so it can grow its community again. Subprojects with a 
greater inactivity are not being resolved yet.
+  * BSF PMC oversight is now resolved (there are 3 committers on the PMC now)
- Things we need to have moved forward on from last report:
+ ==== New issues ====
+  * There were legal issues regarding the JCS codebase.  GPL (jisp), Sleepycat 
(berkeley) and LGPL (jgroups) codebases were found. The former two have been 
deleted, the LGPL dependency (an optional feature) has not currently been 
deleted. Waiting for Cliff's official LGPL statement. 
+  * There was a legal-come-personal issue to do with the POI mailing list. At 
least some of the board should be aware of this and the PMC is waiting on a 
draft question to be written for legal-internal.
+  * I am actively pushing subprojects to move to TLP, with the intent of 
making Jakarta more Commons-like so that Commons and the rest of Jakarta may 
fold into a single community. 
-  * BeanUtils legal issue
-  * Inactivity management (Sandbox, Taglibs, others)
-  * PMC oversight
-  * Tapestry/Hivemind subreport
-  * Silk naming hold-up
-  * Commons Pool. Commons CSV. 
  === Releases ===
+  * 18 December 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-rc-2 Released
+  * 17 December 2005 - Commons Configuration 1.2 Released
   * 07 December 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-rc-1 Released
   * 03 December 2005 - Commons Net 1.4.1 Released
   * 15 November  2005 - Commons Validator 1.2.0 Released
@@ -39, +42 @@

  === Community changes ===
-  * PMC: Andy Oliver 
+  * 14th December 2005 - Jacob Lund (Slide)
+  * 21st November 2005 - Andy Oliver (POI) 
+  * 26th September 2005 - Will Glass-Husain (Velocity)
+  * 26th September 2005 - Nathan Bubna (Velocity)
+  * 26th September 2005 - Felipe Lame (Taglibs)
+  * 28th September 2005 - Rony Flatscher (BSF)
+  * 28th September 2005 - Dave Brosius (BCEL)
+  * 28th September 2005 - Knut Wannheden (Hivemind)
+  * 28th September 2005 - Sanjiva Weerawarana (BSF)
  ==== New committers ====
@@ -56, +67 @@

  === Subproject news ===
+ ==== Commons Sandbox ====
+ Commons-CSV was recently added to the sandbox, based on a code grant from 
Netcetera in Switzerland. 
+ ==== Commons Configuration ====
+ See next quarter. Only just released.
  ==== Commons HttpClient ====
   * 3.0rc4 was released in October as a number of small bugs continued to roll 
in since rc3.
@@ -68, +87 @@

  ==== Commons Net ====
+ No report. Will ensure it has one next quarter.
  ==== Commons Validator ====
+ No report. Will ensure it has one next quarter.
  ==== HiveMind ====

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