On Mon, 2006-03-06 at 22:42 -0500, Henri Yandell wrote:
> Over on Commons-Dev, Stephen has suggested that we split some of the 
> components out to form a Jakarta Language Components group. Consensus 
> is in favour of the idea, so I'm sure we'll see a vote on that and some 
> movement soon.
> Commons ID (and Commons CSV perhaps) are two elements in the Commons 
> Sandbox which would potentially go to JLC, but there are (wisely) no plans 
> for a separare JLC Sandbox.
> Additionally we have Jakarta Web Components, which will take on various 
> bits - including Jakarta Taglibs (can't recall if the Standard Taglib 
> would go in there or not). That has a Sandbox as well.
> Lastly we have Jakarta HTTP Components - formerly Commons HttpClient - 
> which technically lost access to its sandbox - though I suspect it's been 
> a long time since it used it.
> To that end, I'd like to propose that Commons Sandbox and Taglibs Sandbox 
> merge into Jakarta Sandbox - servicing all of Jakarta - though I imagine 
> it would mostly be the component groupings.
> Thoughts?

I presume that a "commons committer" would have commit access to both
old commons and Language Components? Having a separate commit list would
set the barrier to high for movement between the groups. Actually, the
proposed "jakarta-wide" commit access would be even better.

Regarding sandboxes, the issue is really where the commit mails will go.
An experimental project that hopes to be promoted to community X really
should have its commit messages go to the mailing list for that
community. Other than that, what *is* a "sandbox" exactly?

In general, though, the split-off of Jakarta Language Components seems
wise. Commons email traffic is a pretty hefty burden, so halving it for
people only interested in one of the two new commons pieces is good. I
believe there are enough people interested in each community to allow
the separate pieces to thrive. Of course people should be encouraged to
subscribe to both where possible - and general always!



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