Thanks - those look good.

On 28/02/07, Martin van den Bemt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Continuum has them..


sebb wrote:
> I'm looking for some icons suitable for use in a Swing JTree - so they
> need to be GIF or PNG (I don't think SVG works).
> I need the following icons:
> Success - perhaps a tick?
> Failure    - perhaps a cross?
> These are to be used on the tree entries to distinguish successful and
> unsuccessful samples.
> At present the label is coloured red for failures, but this is not
> much use for colour-blind users (or indeed B+W printing).
> There are lots of icon samples on the web, but I've not found one that
> is suitable.
> Perhaps someone knows of some suitable icons already used by Apache
> products?
> S///
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