sebb wrote:
On 02/04/2008, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
sebb wrote:
 > The RAT report does not seem to be found if I run
 > mvn rat:check
 > This seems to be because its plugin is under <pluginManagement> rather
 > than under <build>, as it works when I moved it there.
 > But I don't know much about Maven, so maybe it needs to be in both?
 > If so, does the config need to be in both?
 > Can anyone advise?

Thanks, already done.

Does the plugin also need to be mentioned in dependencyManagement?

No, dependencyManagement is a place where you can define which versions you want to use for a bunch of dependencies, without actually decalring them as dependencies. It works something like this:

"if this pom or any child pom want to use dependency A, make sure that they all use version X"

BTW, why is it rat-maven-plugin and not maven-rat-plugin like most of
the others seem to be? [The only other one I've seen with
maven-middle-position is jdepend]

All the plugins at the mojo project [1] at Codehaus use this naming convention to distinguish them from the official Maven plugins provided by the ASF. rat-maven-plugin is a Codehaus plugin but maven-site-plugin is an ASF plugin.


 > Once it's in the correct place(s), there are some exceptions that need
 > to be added, e.g. MANIFEST.MF. I can add those.


Dennis Lundberg

Dennis Lundberg

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