On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 03:06:50AM +0300, Yevgeny Kliteynik wrote:

> This file has *all* the possible keywords.
> The administrator really doesn't have to use them all.
> For instance, there are three different ways to define port groups:
>  - by guid list
>  - by node type
>  - by port names
> You could stick with the guids only - this gives you all the functionality
> you need, but by doing so you loose some flexibility.

As a general quibble, this configuration language is unlike any I have
ever seen, is it really necessary to make something new for this?
Can't one of the common UNIX styles (ISC bind/dhcp, Windows INI, XML)

XML with a DTD is becoming very popular for this kind of rich data.

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