
our application is using OFED 1.1 under SLES10.

It is a point to point IB connection from a high speed image scanner to a 

The application is out in the market for about a year.

Now I get complains from the field that they do have dead pthreads hanging 
around that are stuck in the ib_cm_get_event call.

For your explanation I'm creating a new pthread for every new attempt to 
connect from the workstation to the image scanner.

This will happen only when one does re-power the image scanner while having a 
connection established, this might happen often as once a week to once a month.

The reason for the complains now are that the thread's hanging in the 
ib_cm_get_event consume system resources and might block the system after some 
40 power cyles.

They don't want/can't restart the workstation application in order to get the 
old phreads destroyed.


So my question is: How can I get a pthread out of the ib_cm_get_event call?


Thanks in advance for your help


Thomas Bub 

Thomas Bub
Senior Software Engineer
Grass Valley Germany GmbH
Brunnenweg 9
64331 Weiterstadt, Germany
Tel: +49 6150 104 147
Fax: +49 6150 104 656

Geschäftsführung: Hans-Joachim Krink, Roger Keller,
Rainer Sturm, Edgar Kleffmann
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Weiterstadt
Registergericht: Darmstadt - HRB 8616


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