A general question on getting the correct backport.

On my machine, if I do "uname -r" I get

If I do "cat /etc/redhat-release" I get
CentOs release 5.3 (Final)

If I look in "/usr/src/ofa_kernel/kernel_addons/backport"
the subdirectory I need to use for the current kernel is:

My question:  Is there somewhere in the system where I can
find (or generate) the string "2.6.18-EL5.3"?
I want to put that in my scripts so they will automatically
pick it up whenever we change versions (as we just did when
going to Centos -- it used to be 2.6.18-EL5.2 in the RedHat
version we were running before).  At present I have to edit
these scripts by hand, and that's a lousy way to do business.

Bob Russell
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