This is from doc/cachemode.txt:

1. "indexer -C" WITHOUT subsection control does not do
with word index tree. You should delete /var/tree directory
2. "indexer -C ... " WITH one or several subsection control
(-t, -u, -s, -c) writes to logs and you have to run splitter after

Zenon Panoussis wrote:
> Matthew Sullivan skrev:
> >
> > > I then deleted that part of the index with
> > > ./indexer -C -t D
> > > and repeated the same search. You can see the results of it
> > > at . It seems that the
> > > URLs have been deleted, but not the word references to them.
> <snip lots>
> > Interesting - i only get:
> >         Search time: 1.830 seconds.
> >         Displaying documents 1-2 of total 2 found.
> >         0. No title [0]
> >         ...
> >         () , 0 bytes
> >         0. No title [0]
> >         ...
> >         () , 0 bytes
> Compare your results to my .../after.gif ; they are the same. That's
> precisely the bug. The URLs are gone, the titles are gone, the links
> link to nowhere, which that means that the de-indexed pages have been
> removed from the URL database, just as they should be. Yet they show
> up in the results, which means that the search terms were found
> without valid references, which in turn strongly indicates that the
> cache file part of the database has not been deleted.
> Z
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