Author: Alexander Barkov

> Hi Guys,
> To improve performance, I split my index database (reindexing from start) on 
> 2 different platforms.
> Separetely, the search.htm works perfectly, limited in each of the indexes of 
> course.
> I would now like to merge the search so data is taken from the 2 SQL servers. 
> I saw in the doc the brief explanation, but it is a bit confusing to me.
> search.htm is PHP and the explanations are made for a more risky CGI.
> Does someone knows the trick for the PHP version of the search script ?

You can use Udm_Alloc_Agent_Array() to specify multiple databases:

However, the PHP module does not support parallel execution.
It queries the database consequently.

Note, the CGI version queries the databases in parallel.
So it should be faster.

Btw, how many documents do you have? 
What is the output from "indexer -S"?

> Thanks in advance

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