
I try this command to Indexing my list of web site : /usr/local/mnogosearch/sbin/indexer -Eblob -d /usr/local/mnogosearch/etc/indexer.conf

the result is : Segmentation fault
here my sql databases informations :
| Tables     | Size (MB) |
| bdict      |    191.90 |
| bdicti     |    605.58 |
| categories |      0.00 |
| crossdict  |      0.00 |
| dict       |      0.00 |
| links      |      0.00 |
| qcache     |      0.00 |
| qinfo      |      0.00 |
| qtrack     |      0.00 |
| server     |      0.18 |
| srvinfo    |      0.00 |
| url        |   3028.87 |
| urlinfo    |   2110.99 |
| wrdstat    |      0.00 |

have you an idea?

my config :

* Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64 GNU/Linux
* mnogosearch 3.3.15
* indexer.conf :
      DBAddr mysql://root:password@localhost/mnogosearch/?dbmode=blob
* commande ./configure for installation

../configure --prefix=/usr/local/mnogosearch

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