Chris Metcalf ha scritto:
We're interested in adding support for The Office Open XLSX format to some of our tools.

According to it is currently in a development branch and is scheduled to be finalized later this summer.

What is the current state of the development code? Is it in a usable and reliable state or should we wait until later in the year when the wrinkles have been ironed out?

Chris Metcalf

Hi Chris,

i suggest you to wait a more stable release of POI, we also introduced support for the Office2007 format in our commercial solution called LogicalDOC(the commercial version of Contineo).
In this case we decided to develop our own text etractors.

Best Regards
ing. Marco Meschieri
Logical Objects snc
Via Bonasi, 2/A 41012 Carpi (MO) Italy
Tel./Fax. 059 688969
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