On Tue, 8 Dec 2009, Andrey Strizhkin wrote:
I just converted libpst http://www.five-ten-sg.com/libpst/ code to pure

Unfortunately, libpst is GPL'd, so your port (as a derived work) is GPL'd too. Unless we could get the original author of libpst to re-license it (probably once-off) under the Apache License, and then you licenses your changes under the Apache License, alas we couldn't accept it :(

It might be worth you asking the original author though - it'd be quite an easy process (they and you send the ASF a software grant to the ASF saying they explicity confirm they're happy for it to be Apache Licensed, then we'd be almost ready to import the code)

But there some issues
1) uglu API
2) no documentation
3) i have no time to support the code

An ugly API isn't always a big issue, as it can be fixed up later in many cases. A lack of unit tests would be an issue though, but hopefully some high level ones should be pretty easy to write (eg feed in a bunch of PST files, and check you get the right stuff back out). That way, when people do future development on the code, everyone has the confidence that nothing was broken :)


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