Hi David,

I'm sure I'll be the first of many to say good luck in the new job. I think 
it's a shame that they let you have your PhD before you'd properly finished 
Exhibit but what can you do in the face of these falling educational standards.

Obviously Exhibit has a large, active and eager user base, however it seems to 
date that there is no real development outside of the MIT Simile group. Is 
there a possibility of maintaining an active developmental group at MIT?


> Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:16:20 -0500
> To: general@simile.mit.edu
> Subject: My departure + the future of Timeline and Exhibit
> Hi all,
> As you might know, I have recently finished my Ph.D. study, and within a 
> few months I'll be moving on to a "real job" at Metaweb.
> The Metaweb folks have been kind to let me dedicate some time toward 
> open source involvement, which means that I can continue to work on 
> Timeline, Exhibit, etc. to some extent.
> However, it is clear that I won't be able to dedicate as much time to 
> those projects as I can right now. So, it is crucial that we arrange for 
> more people to get involved in those projects so that those projects 
> continue to thrive.
> One possibility is to move the code bases onto an open source foundry, 
> such as Google Code, and invite the more programming capable among 
> yourself to maintain and improve them further. Note that this solution 
> is even better than the current situation, as there will be more capable 
> people involved than just me alone. Together we'll work out the 
> knowledge transfer, etc. etc. over the next few months.
> Please don't hesitate to chime in here if you have other ideas or just 
> want to speak your mind. The worst thing that can happen is that nobody 
> expresses their concerns, no transition gets made, and the good code 
> just withers away.
> Thanks,
> David
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