Thanks for answering, Nathan.

I am sure you Think Velocity supports HTML5 tags.  But have you every actually 
tested that? 

In fact, older versions of Velocity do not.  I Have tested.

Velocity throws a Velocity exception:  "the <canvas> tag is not recognized"  or 
"<video> is not recognized".

This occurs when you set the HTML doctype for HTML5 and add nothing else but a 
canvas or a video tag.

In a previously working VM template.

However, the same HTML renders fine in any browser.
From: Nathan Bubna []
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 11:57 AM
To: general
Subject: Re: Which versions of Velocity support HTML5?

All versions of Velocity support all versions of HTML, and every other
text format out there.

Velocity is a general purpose template engine for processing any and
all text content.  It neither knows nor cares what HTML tags you have
in your templates.  Perhaps Click is throwing exceptions about HTML5
tags, though i doubt that too.  Perhaps you could share one of these
exceptions you are getting?

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 8:43 AM, Brad Sisk <> wrote:
> Our software uses Velocity, as it is bundled inside the Apache Click library. 
> This software was written years ago by someone else--I maintain it now.
> We've discovered that the VelocityEngine throws Exceptions whenever it 
> encounters HTML5 tags, like <canvas> or <video> , inside a VM template.
> So we need to upgrade our Velocity version (to allow HTML5 tags).
> Which versions of the Velocity library can handle HTML5 tags (no Exceptions)? 
> I need version numbers here.
> Which versions of Click contain a version of Velocity which can handle HTML5 
> tags?
> I have already tried and elimiated Click2.3, it does not.

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