
the proposed creation of the "Native XML Database" subproject under
Apache XML has been accepted by many people on this list with no
negative votes. 

This subproject will be seeded with donations from the
community (which will donate their dbXML software to the ASF and move
their development overhere).

Also, it was proposed to look at the Pears project from the Office of
Research at OCLC
( for another
potential seed.

I was contacted by one of the authors of the Pears project and we
discussed that while some of their algorithms will very likely to be
helpful, the software is inherently text-based and and *not*
structure-based as required by native XML DB solutions.

In short, Pears overlaps more with Apache Lucene that with dbXML.

They are willing to contribute the code to us, but this can be postponed
*after* the creation of such project.

As far as naming goes, the dbXML community proposed the name "Apache
XIndice". Some other names were proposed, but didn't get the acceptance
this name had (and anyway, names are hard to have an absolute consensus
on because of personal taste).

So, first, I would like to apologize to the dbXML developers for having
wasted so much time in waiting for out processes to finish (delay also
generated by the other concurrent code submission proposals that are
still floating around at once).

At the end, I volunteer as sponsoring member for this project.

So, stuff to do from the PMC are:

 1) create the xml-xindice CVS
 2) create accounts for Kimbro Stalken and Tom Bradford
 3) create the [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mail lists (yes, both, because the dbxml
user community is already a large one!)

The newly created XIndice community will take care of the rest.

If you have anything against this, say it now.

Thanks to everybody.

Stefano Mazzocchi      One must still have chaos in oneself to be
                          able to give birth to a dancing star.
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             Friedrich Nietzsche

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