I'm pretty sure he meant APL = Apache Public License, it seems to be
such an inviting acronym to be made.  But I'd have to weigh in with
Edwin with my non-lawyer answer: I'm pretty sure that the MPL 1.1 is
*not* useable in Apache projects.  (Sure, you can use Apache projects
and MPL-covered projects yourself without problems, but Apache groups
shouldn't be distributing MPL-covered stuff)

The parts about MPL-covered distributions being available for a certain
amount of time, and especially the viral part of the license are almost
certainly not APL-friendly.  (I was going to suggest that you could
release your stuff under the APL if you wanted to, but I think if you
based it on MPL-covered code, you're stuck with using the MPL for your
distribution too...)

Sounds like a neat tool though!  I've been thinking about ideas like
this; especially where you kind of want to validate but you're OK if
you can' - and adding an auto-finding resolver that attempts to look
for a matching DTD in a number of likely places.  (Just an idea so far)

- Shane

---- Edwin Goei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote ----
> Jeff Turner wrote:
> > It's under the Mozilla Public License 1.1, for historical reasons
> > APL-compatible, right?). 

> What does "APL" stand for?  If you mean the Apache license, then no,
do not think MPL is compatible with the Apache license.  MPL is more

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