I want to bundle a JAXP compliant XML parser with my application, with
the requirement that the jar file is as small as possible. From what I
can tell, between Crimson, Xerces1 and Xerces2, I am using Crimson
because of its smaller jar size. However, if there is a way to
distribute Xerces2 without all the classes that I don't use so that it
reduces the size of the jar, that would be preferable.

Now that I'm using Crimson, I have a technical question about
serialization, and apparently this list is the only forum for Crimson

I can serialize a Document fine, but I haven't figured out how to
serialize any other type of DOM Node. My code is:

        public static String serializeToString(Node aNode) {
                String myResult = null;
                // Crimson implementation
                StringWriter myStringWriter = new StringWriter();
                short myNodeType = aNode.getNodeType();
                try {
                        switch (myNodeType) {
                                case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE :
aNode).write(myStringWriter, XMLUtils.ENCODING_UTF_8);
                                default :
                                        XmlDocument myXmlDocument =
(XmlDocument) aNode.getOwnerDocument();
myXmlDocument.createWriteContext(myStringWriter, 0));
                } catch (IOException e) {
                        String myMsg = "Unable to serialize DOM Node: "
+ e.getMessage();
                        throw new RuntimeException(myMsg);
                myResult = myStringWriter.toString();
                return myResult;

However, the default non-Document case returns an empty String. From
what I can tell this is because Crimson does not see any children of the
given DOM Node and exits early without serializing anything.

Specifically, I would like to serialize an Element. Do I have to write a
hack that creates a new XmlDocument, import the Element, then serialize
the XmlDocument without the XML header information currently hard coded
in XmlDocument.write() ?


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