Quoting Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi Vincent,

these alternatives are only taken as a last resort before mentioning
that a glyph cannot be found. Unicode does list "minus" (Unicode: 2212,
MINUS-SIGN) to be related to "hyphen" (Unicode: 002D, HYPHEN-MINUS).
Otherwise, I wouldn't have made the change. The change is also not about
replacing minus for a hyphen, but for the other way around. I can of
course add a warning if an alternative glyph is used. But I guess some
people would find the warning welcome while others might find it a
nuisance. Can we get some additional opinions to reach an informed
decision, please?

Are such substitutions debuggable? If you set the log level high enough, do you then get messages for each substitution? I guess that sometimes that may come in handy for users who wonder why they do not get the glyphs they expect.


Jeremias Maerki

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