Dear Dave,

Thank you for providing the patch so quickly! This has solved the issue. 
The check on whether the variable has a value looks safe enough for me 
to work in all the cases, but perhaps someone else can see what might go 

Best regards,

On 23/09/2016 00:42, Dave Kuhlman wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 01:03:43PM +0100, Andrii Iudin wrote:
>> Dear Dave,
>> I am experiencing the following issue:
>> I try to generate the structure with an element
>> <xs:element name="country" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0"/>
>> with a facet:
>> whiteSpace="collapse"
>> This results in the following Python code in "buildChildren":
>> elif nodeName_ == 'country':
>>               country_ = child_.text
>>               country_ = re_.sub(String_cleanup_pat_, " ", country_).strip()
>>               country_ = self.gds_validate_string(country_, node, 'country')
>>      = country_
>> When the element "country" is empty in the XML file that is being
>> processed with parseString from the generated Python module, it fails on
>> the regex substitution line.
>> This works fine if I use "xs:string" with whiteSpace="preserve", in
>> which case the regex line is not generated.
>> Please could you tell if this is an intended behaviour in case if
>> minOccurs="0" is specified?
> That looks like a bug to me.  Even if the XML file were not valid
> (for example, if minOccurs="1" and the element were missing
> completely), I'd prefer that the generated code
> parse the XML instance document OK, and leave it up to the user to
> use xmllint or some other validator to detect that error.
> It looks to me like that call to re.sub should be protected by an
> "if:" statement or a "try:" statement.
> Give me a bit of time to look at it.
> OK.  I looked.  Attached is a quick patch.  This patch, in effect,
> assumes that it is not an error to have an element was character
> content is of type xs:token and the character content is empty.
> I'll look at this more closely, tomorrow.  If you try the attached
> patch, please tell me what you think.  Have I solved the right
> problem, for example?  Can you think of examples for which this
> would not work?
> And, thank you for the error report.
> Dave
>> Thank you and best regards,
>> Andrii

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