Hello Norman,

thank you for your great answer. I will follow your advise and 
virtualize all necessary services that a target component uses.

Kind regards,

On 09.09.2016 10:58, Norman Feske wrote:
> Hi Denis,
>> The child component shall be migrated from one ECU to another. The
>> Genode system on the other ECU may have the Rpc_objects, which the child
>> needs (e.g. shared dataspaces), but their object identities are
>> different (e.g. other addresses in memory) or the Rpc_objects do not
>> exist (e.g. a session object between the child and a service).
> so the problem goes much deeper than merely requesting and populating
> the child's capability space. You need the replicate the entire child's
> execution environment at the destination ECU. That means for each
> capability in possession of the child, your runtime needs to know the
> exact meaning. E.g., if the child has a session capability to a session
> created with certain session arguments, the same kind of session must be
> re-created at the destination ECU. Of course, the same holds for all
> dataspaces, threads, and other RPC objects that the child can reference
> via the capabilities present in its capability space.
> The logical consequence is that the runtime must virtualize all services
> used by the child. E.g. if the child creates a LOG session, the runtime
> would create a session to a LOG service in the child's name but hand out
> a capability locally implemented LOG-session wrapper - similar to what
> you have already done for the RAM service. So when migrating the child,
> you now exactly what the various capabilities in the child's capability
> space mean and can transfer the underlying state to the destination ECU.
> In principle, this is how Noux solves the fork problem. But in the case
> of Noux, I deliberately avoid populating the child's capability space
> with Genode capabilities in order to alleviate the need to virtualize
> many Genode services. Instead, I let the child use the Noux session as
> its only interface to the outside world. At the Noux-session level, the
> child does not talk about Genode capabilities but about file
> descriptors, for which Noux knows the meaning. Of course there exist a
> few capabilities in the child's capability space, in particular the
> parent cap, the Noux-session cap, and the caps of the child's
> environment. But these few capabilities are manually re-initialized by
> the freshly created process after the fork.
> In your case, you want to replicate the child's capability space in a
> way that is transparent to the child. Like Noux, you need the have a
> complete model of the child's execution environment in your runtime.
> Unlike Noux, however, you want to let the child interact with various
> Genode services. Consequently, your model needs to capture the those
> services.
>> During a restore, I will have to relink the Native_capability to the
>> available Rpc_object or simply recreate the Rpc_object. In both cases I
>> have to know the types of the Native_capabilities, when I snapshot them
>> from the Cap Space of the child. Is there a way to find out the type of
>> a Native_capability through an API function?
> As discussed above, the type alone does not suffice. Your runtime needs
> to know the actual semantics behind each capability, e.g., not just the
> knowledge that a certain capability is a RAM-session capability but also
> the information how much quota the RAM session has and which dataspaces
> belong to it. Or as another example, you don't just need to know that a
> capability is a file-system session but also the session arguments that
> were used when the session was created.
>> If there is no ready-to-use function/approach, can I intercept the type
>> to which a Native_capability is reinterpreted in Rpc_entrypoint::manage
>> as a workaround solution?
> Since your runtime needs to create a representative for each RPC object
> the child interacts with in the form of a locally implemented RPC object
> (managed by the runtime's entrypoint), you can in principle use the
> 'Rpc_entrypoint::apply' method to look up the local RPC object for a
> given capability.
> Best regards
> Norman

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