Hi Roman,

On 04.10.2016 20:04, Roman Iten wrote:
> Hi, I wrote a simple run script 'manytimer', based on 'timer':
> https://github.com/rite/genode/tree/manytimerWhen the number of
> components exceeds 19, I get a "Quota exceeded!" warning. It seems that
> it doesn't matter if I use timer or other components. It also doesn't
> matter how much RAM quota I configure per timer. - Is this behaviour
> intended? - Whose quota exceeds (init, core, ...)? - Can I resolve the
> warning by increasing its quota? - In a scenario with 19 or more
> components (within one init), is it still possible to "assign all
> remaining resources to the last child by simply specifying an overly
> large quantum" as described in "Genode 16.05 Foundations" (see Chapter
> 6.2.2 "Resource quota saturation"). Or would there be no more slack
> memory available for init and core respectively?

I encountered the same problem in the Turmvilla scenario. In the
presence of the "overly large quantum", init transfers all remaining
quota from itself to the corresponding child and preserves just a tiny
bit of quota for itself. This preserved quota is needed to accommodate
the few metadata allocations that cannot be easily allocated from a
specific child (i.e., child-thread meta data). If the number of children
becomes too large, this preservation does not suffice. But you can
increase the value as done by the following commit:



Dr.-Ing. Norman Feske
Genode Labs

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