
On 14.01.2017 22:51, Peter Lindener wrote:
>     I was ready to give it a try, when I also noticed reliance on the VESA
> video...
> my DELL XPS 15 (32gig) boots in UEFI mode..

we had never official UEFI support in Genode - it's not expected to work
out-of-the-box that way.

>     this boot image is seeming dated, running in 32bit mode... am I missing
> somethng here?

At the time of integrating Genode with seL4 (version 3.2 [0]) there was
simply solely 32 bit support available in the seL4 master branch - so -
no surprise at all. 64 bit support is available with seL4 4.0 [1].



[0] https://wiki.sel4.systems/seL4%203.2.0
[1] https://wiki.sel4.systems/seL4%204.0.0

Alexander Boettcher
Genode Labs

http://www.genode-labs.com · http://genode.org

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