On Thursday 10 February 2005 09:45, Duncan wrote:
> Luke-Jr posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted below,
> on Thu, 10 Feb 2005 03:41:33 +0000:
> > on PPC...
> >
> > mkdir -p /etc/portage
> > for d in /usr/portage/kde-base/*; do
> >     pkg="${d/\/usr\/portage\//}";
> >     echo "${pkg} ~x86 x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords echo "${pkg}"
> >
> >     >> /etc/portage/package.unmask
> >
> > done
> >
> > That should work on any arch, though it will make a technically invalid
> > package.keywords file. It will work perfectly fine, though. :)
> OK, that will /normally/ work fine, and might work fine on all current KDE
> 3.4.0 betas, but as you say, it's technically incorrect (because it's
> telling portage to treat your arch like x86, which it isn't, and that
> can cause "interesting" complications, see below), and it /will/ cause
> problems with some packages, which is why the technotes say don't do it.

Only packages that won't work on your platform.

> Here's the deal.  Certain ebuilds conditionally build in or compile
> certain features based on the keywords.

Based on USE flags.

> One example I know of, altho it's keyworded amd64 so there'd be no reason to
> use package.keywords to hack things, is xorg. 

Nope. It uses USE flags to determine what arch.

> Others would be both mplayer and xinelib. 

Those are checking USE flags also...

> Even more commonly, amd64 specific patches are conditionally applied based
> on keywords. 

s/keywords/USE flags

> If you tell portage to use x86 (in either form), these tests will be screwed
> up. 

If portage is changing my USE flags based on package.keywords, then portage is 
screwed up.

> Thus, what one /really/ should be doing before they go trying x86 (in
> either form) in the keywords is verifying that the ebuild doesn't have any
> of these specific tests in it, or at minimum, that if it does, they aren't
> serious issues (an example being the lib/lib64 issue, presently).

As far as I am aware, ebuilds are not supposed to go checking KEYWORDS 
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