One thing that I think wasn't mentioned yet, while -fPIC is needed for
libraries, it must be disabled for binaries (don't know if that's true
for prelink), as portage says, it might break things and your binaries
are most likely becoming slower when you compile them with -fPIC.

2006/9/27, Daniel Iliev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hello, everyone!

It's my first mail to this list. I hope the community here is as
friendly as the one at the general "gentoo-user" list ;-)
Please, forgive me if open some threads about already discussed issues
until I catch up with rhythm of the list.

So let me start a with 2 newbie questions caused by my first impressions
from the x86_64 world:

1) I use CFLAGS="-march=athlon64 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2 -msse3
-m3dnow -mmmx -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -fpic". Portage complains
with *red letters* about the fpic flag. Every time I emerge something it
says that "fpic breaks things", but I haven't met a single breakage so
far. Is that a bug? Actually there was an ebuild which could not be
compiled if mysql was compiled w/o "fpic". I'm not 100% sure but AFAIR
it was dev-perl/DBD-mysql.

2) I see too many flags that are disabled by the profile - the kind with
the parenthesis around them, like "(-3dnow)". Why? As I mentioned above
I enable some of these through my CFLAGS - e.g. (-mmx), (-mmxext),
(-sse) and (-sse2) and everything works perfect.

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