Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
*snip the rest because it is too long to read and usual duncan talk*.

Let's be nice. I'll confess I often don't read everything duncan types, but it isn't like he spams the list such that you can't easily hit delete if you're not interested in his two emails per month.

For those topics I'm interested in I find his perspective helpful. Even if I don't always agree with everything he posts there is often some useful stuff in there. I still use his CFLAGS 80% of the time.

Regardless, your post would have stood just fine on its own without the personal attacks. I agree that booting into X is hardly the exception among gentoo users/devs/etc. If I were running a back-end server I'd absolutely refrain from booting into X (granted, such as server would DEFININTELY run NTP), but there's no sense having to use startx on a desktop unless you really do spend most of your time staring at a shell.

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