commit:     1b5499afda02bb048e8049191abfd8294bac3050
Author:     Andrew Ammerlaan <andrewammerlaan <AT> riseup <DOT> net>
AuthorDate: Thu Feb 13 10:20:15 2020 +0000
Commit:     Andrew Ammerlaan <andrewammerlaan <AT> riseup <DOT> net>
CommitDate: Thu Feb 13 10:20:15 2020 +0000

dev-python/spotipy: Version bump 2.8.0

Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.88, Repoman-2.3.20
Signed-off-by: Andrew Ammerlaan <andrewammerlaan <AT>>

 dev-python/spotipy/Manifest                        |   2 +-
 .../files/spotipy-2.7.1-skip-online-test.patch     | 515 ---------------------
 .../{spotipy-2.7.1.ebuild => spotipy-2.8.0.ebuild} |  12 +-
 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 517 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dev-python/spotipy/Manifest b/dev-python/spotipy/Manifest
index b3343ca..30f8d3e 100644
--- a/dev-python/spotipy/Manifest
+++ b/dev-python/spotipy/Manifest
@@ -1 +1 @@
-DIST spotipy-2.7.1.tar.gz 80050 BLAKE2B 
+DIST spotipy-2.8.0.tar.gz 81270 BLAKE2B 

diff --git a/dev-python/spotipy/files/spotipy-2.7.1-skip-online-test.patch 
deleted file mode 100644
index 0386b96..0000000
--- a/dev-python/spotipy/files/spotipy-2.7.1-skip-online-test.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 438e88f..0000000
---- a/tests/
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
--# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
--These tests require user authentication - provide client credentials using the
--following environment variables
--from __future__ import print_function
--from spotipy import (
--    prompt_for_user_token,
--    Spotify,
--    SpotifyException,
--import os
--import sys
--import unittest
--import warnings
--import requests
--sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.pardir))
--class AuthTestSpotipy(unittest.TestCase):
--    """
--    These tests require user authentication - provide client credentials using
--    the following environment variables
--    ::
--    """
--    playlist = "spotify:user:plamere:playlist:2oCEWyyAPbZp9xhVSxZavx"
--    playlist_new_id = "spotify:playlist:7GlxpQjjxRjmbb3RP2rDqI"
--    four_tracks = ["spotify:track:6RtPijgfPKROxEzTHNRiDp",
--                   "spotify:track:7IHOIqZUUInxjVkko181PB",
--                   "4VrWlk8IQxevMvERoX08iC",
--                   "";]
--    two_tracks = ["spotify:track:6RtPijgfPKROxEzTHNRiDp",
--                  "spotify:track:7IHOIqZUUInxjVkko181PB"]
--    other_tracks = ["spotify:track:2wySlB6vMzCbQrRnNGOYKa",
--                    "spotify:track:29xKs5BAHlmlX1u4gzQAbJ",
--                    "spotify:track:1PB7gRWcvefzu7t3LJLUlf"]
--    album_ids = ["spotify:album:6kL09DaURb7rAoqqaA51KU",
--                 "spotify:album:6RTzC0rDbvagTSJLlY7AKl"]
--    bad_id = 'BAD_ID'
--    @classmethod
--    def setUpClass(self):
--        if sys.version_info >= (3, 2):
--            # >= Python3.2 only
--            warnings.filterwarnings(
--                "ignore",
--                category=ResourceWarning,
--                message="unclosed.*<ssl.SSLSocket.*>")
--        missing = list(filter(lambda var: not os.getenv(CCEV[var]), CCEV))
--        if missing:
--            raise Exception(
--                ('Please set the client credentials for the test application'
--                 ' using the following environment variables: {}').format(
--                    CCEV.values()))
--        self.username = os.getenv(CCEV['client_username'])
--        self.scope = (
--            'playlist-modify-public '
--            'user-library-read '
--            'user-follow-read '
--            'user-library-modify '
--            'user-read-private '
--            'user-top-read '
--            'user-follow-modify '
--            'ugc-image-upload'
--        )
--        self.token = prompt_for_user_token(self.username, scope=self.scope)
--        self.spotify = Spotify(auth=self.token)
--    # Helper
--    def get_or_create_spotify_playlist(self, playlist_name):
--        playlists = self.spotify.user_playlists(self.username)
--        while playlists:
--            for item in playlists['items']:
--                if item['name'] == playlist_name:
--                    return item
--            playlists =
--        return self.spotify.user_playlist_create(
--            self.username, playlist_name)
--    # Helper
--    def get_as_base64(self, url):
--        import base64
--        return base64.b64encode(requests.get(url).content).decode("utf-8")
--    def test_track_bad_id(self):
--        try:
--            self.spotify.track(self.bad_id)
--            self.assertTrue(False)
--        except SpotifyException:
--            self.assertTrue(True)
--    def test_basic_user_profile(self):
--        user = self.spotify.user(self.username)
--        self.assertTrue(user['id'] == self.username.lower())
--    def test_current_user(self):
--        user = self.spotify.current_user()
--        self.assertTrue(user['id'] == self.username.lower())
--    def test_me(self):
--        user =
--        self.assertTrue(user['id'] == self.username.lower())
--    def test_user_playlists(self):
--        playlists = self.spotify.user_playlists(self.username, limit=5)
--        self.assertTrue('items' in playlists)
--        self.assertTrue(len(playlists['items']) == 5)
--    def test_user_playlist_tracks(self):
--        playlists = self.spotify.user_playlists(self.username, limit=5)
--        self.assertTrue('items' in playlists)
--        for playlist in playlists['items']:
--            user = playlist['owner']['id']
--            pid = playlist['id']
--            results = self.spotify.user_playlist_tracks(user, pid)
--            self.assertTrue(len(results['items']) >= 0)
--    def test_current_user_saved_albums(self):
--        # List
--        albums = self.spotify.current_user_saved_albums()
--        self.assertTrue(len(albums['items']) > 1)
--        # Add
--        self.spotify.current_user_saved_albums_add(self.album_ids)
--        # Contains
--        self.assertTrue(
--            self.spotify.current_user_saved_albums_contains(
--                self.album_ids) == [
--                True, True])
--        # Remove
--        self.spotify.current_user_saved_albums_delete(self.album_ids)
--        albums = self.spotify.current_user_saved_albums()
--        self.assertTrue(len(albums['items']) > 1)
--    def test_current_user_playlists(self):
--        playlists = self.spotify.current_user_playlists(limit=10)
--        self.assertTrue('items' in playlists)
--        self.assertTrue(len(playlists['items']) == 10)
--    def test_user_playlist_follow(self):
--        self.spotify.user_playlist_follow_playlist(
--            'plamere', '4erXB04MxwRAVqcUEpu30O')
--        follows = self.spotify.user_playlist_is_following(
--            'plamere', '4erXB04MxwRAVqcUEpu30O', [
--                self.spotify.current_user()['id']])
--        self.assertTrue(len(follows) == 1, 'proper follows length')
--        self.assertTrue(follows[0], 'is following')
--        self.spotify.user_playlist_unfollow(
--            'plamere', '4erXB04MxwRAVqcUEpu30O')
--        follows = self.spotify.user_playlist_is_following(
--            'plamere', '4erXB04MxwRAVqcUEpu30O', [
--                self.spotify.current_user()['id']])
--        self.assertTrue(len(follows) == 1, 'proper follows length')
--        self.assertFalse(follows[0], 'is no longer following')
--    def test_current_user_saved_tracks(self):
--        tracks = self.spotify.current_user_saved_tracks()
--        self.assertTrue(len(tracks['items']) > 0)
--    def test_current_user_save_and_unsave_tracks(self):
--        tracks = self.spotify.current_user_saved_tracks()
--        total = tracks['total']
--        self.spotify.current_user_saved_tracks_add(self.four_tracks)
--        tracks = self.spotify.current_user_saved_tracks()
--        new_total = tracks['total']
--        self.assertTrue(new_total - total == len(self.four_tracks))
--        tracks = self.spotify.current_user_saved_tracks_delete(
--            self.four_tracks)
--        tracks = self.spotify.current_user_saved_tracks()
--        new_total = tracks['total']
--        self.assertTrue(new_total == total)
--    def test_categories(self):
--        response = self.spotify.categories()
--        self.assertTrue(len(response['categories']) > 0)
--    def test_category_playlists(self):
--        response = self.spotify.categories()
--        for cat in response['categories']['items']:
--            cat_id = cat['id']
--            response = self.spotify.category_playlists(category_id=cat_id)
--            if len(response['playlists']["items"]) > 0:
--                break
--        self.assertTrue(True)
--    def test_new_releases(self):
--        response = self.spotify.new_releases()
--        self.assertTrue(len(response['albums']) > 0)
--    def test_featured_releases(self):
--        response = self.spotify.featured_playlists()
--        self.assertTrue(len(response['playlists']) > 0)
--    def test_current_user_follows(self):
--        response = self.spotify.current_user_followed_artists()
--        artists = response['artists']
--        self.assertTrue(len(artists['items']) > 0)
--    def test_current_user_top_tracks(self):
--        response = self.spotify.current_user_top_tracks()
--        items = response['items']
--        self.assertTrue(len(items) > 0)
--    def test_current_user_top_artists(self):
--        response = self.spotify.current_user_top_artists()
--        items = response['items']
--        self.assertTrue(len(items) > 0)
--    def test_user_playlist_ops(self):
--        sp = self.spotify
--        # create empty playlist
--        playlist = self.get_or_create_spotify_playlist(
--            'spotipy-testing-playlist-1')
--        playlist_id = playlist['id']
--        # remove all tracks from it
--        sp.user_playlist_replace_tracks(
--            self.username, playlist_id, [])
--        playlist = sp.user_playlist(self.username, playlist_id)
--        self.assertTrue(playlist['tracks']['total'] == 0)
--        self.assertTrue(len(playlist['tracks']['items']) == 0)
--        # add tracks to it
--        sp.user_playlist_add_tracks(
--            self.username, playlist_id, self.four_tracks)
--        playlist = sp.user_playlist(self.username, playlist_id)
--        self.assertTrue(playlist['tracks']['total'] == 4)
--        self.assertTrue(len(playlist['tracks']['items']) == 4)
--        # remove two tracks from it
--        sp.user_playlist_remove_all_occurrences_of_tracks(self.username,
--                                                          playlist_id,
--                                                          self.two_tracks)
--        playlist = sp.user_playlist(self.username, playlist_id)
--        self.assertTrue(playlist['tracks']['total'] == 2)
--        self.assertTrue(len(playlist['tracks']['items']) == 2)
--        # replace with 3 other tracks
--        sp.user_playlist_replace_tracks(self.username,
--                                        playlist_id,
--                                        self.other_tracks)
--        playlist = sp.user_playlist(self.username, playlist_id)
--        self.assertTrue(playlist['tracks']['total'] == 3)
--        self.assertTrue(len(playlist['tracks']['items']) == 3)
--    def test_playlist(self):
--        # New playlist ID
--        pl = self.spotify.playlist(self.playlist_new_id)
--        self.assertTrue(pl["tracks"]["total"] > 0)
--        # Old playlist ID
--        pl = self.spotify.playlist(self.playlist)
--        self.assertTrue(pl["tracks"]["total"] > 0)
--    def test_playlist_tracks(self):
--        # New playlist ID
--        pl = self.spotify.playlist_tracks(self.playlist_new_id, limit=2)
--        self.assertTrue(len(pl["items"]) == 2)
--        self.assertTrue(pl["total"] > 0)
--        # Old playlist ID
--        pl = self.spotify.playlist_tracks(self.playlist, limit=2)
--        self.assertTrue(len(pl["items"]) == 2)
--        self.assertTrue(pl["total"] > 0)
--    def test_playlist_upload_cover_image(self):
--        pl1 = 
--        plid = pl1['uri']
--        old_b64 = pl1['images'][0]['url']
--        # Upload random dog image
--        r = requests.get('')
--        dog_base64 = self.get_as_base64(r.json()['message'])
--        self.spotify.playlist_upload_cover_image(plid, dog_base64)
--        # Image must be different
--        pl1 = self.spotify.playlist(plid)
--        new_b64 = self.get_as_base64(pl1['images'][0]['url'])
--        self.assertTrue(old_b64 != new_b64)
--    def test_user_follows_and_unfollows_artist(self):
--        # Initially follows 1 artist
--        res = self.spotify.current_user_followed_artists()
--        self.assertTrue(res['artists']['total'] == 1)
--        # Follow 2 more artists
--        artists = ["6DPYiyq5kWVQS4RGwxzPC7", "0NbfKEOTQCcwd6o7wSDOHI"]
--        self.spotify.user_follow_artists(artists)
--        res = self.spotify.current_user_followed_artists()
--        self.assertTrue(res['artists']['total'] == 3)
--        # Unfollow these 2 artists
--        self.spotify.user_unfollow_artists(artists)
--        res = self.spotify.current_user_followed_artists()
--        self.assertTrue(res['artists']['total'] == 1)
--    def test_user_follows_and_unfollows_user(self):
--        # TODO improve after implementing `me/following/contains`
--        users = ["11111204", "xlqeojt6n7on0j7coh9go8ifd"]
--        # Follow 2 more users
--        self.spotify.user_follow_users(users)
--        # Unfollow these 2 users
--        self.spotify.user_unfollow_users(users)
--    def test_deprecated_starred(self):
--        pl = self.spotify.user_playlist(self.username)
--        self.assertTrue(pl["tracks"] is None)
--        self.assertTrue(pl["owner"] is None)
--    def test_deprecated_user_playlist(self):
--        # Test without user due to change from
--        #
--        pl = self.spotify.user_playlist(None, self.playlist)
--        self.assertTrue(pl["tracks"]["total"] > 0)
--    def test_deprecated_user_playlis(self):
--        # Test without user due to change from
--        #
--        pl = self.spotify.user_playlist_tracks(None, self.playlist, limit=2)
--        self.assertTrue(len(pl["items"]) == 2)
--        self.assertTrue(pl["total"] > 0)
--if __name__ == '__main__':
--    unittest.main()
-diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 47cf798..0000000
---- a/tests/
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
--# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
--These tests require user authentication - provide client credentials using the
--following environment variables
--from spotipy import (
--    Spotify,
--    SpotifyClientCredentials,
--import os
--import sys
--import unittest
--sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.pardir))
--class AuthTestSpotipy(unittest.TestCase):
--    """
--    These tests require user authentication - provide client credentials using
--    the following environment variables
--    ::
--    """
--    playlist = "spotify:user:plamere:playlist:2oCEWyyAPbZp9xhVSxZavx"
--    four_tracks = ["spotify:track:6RtPijgfPKROxEzTHNRiDp",
--                   "spotify:track:7IHOIqZUUInxjVkko181PB",
--                   "4VrWlk8IQxevMvERoX08iC",
--                   "";]
--    two_tracks = ["spotify:track:6RtPijgfPKROxEzTHNRiDp",
--                  "spotify:track:7IHOIqZUUInxjVkko181PB"]
--    other_tracks = ["spotify:track:2wySlB6vMzCbQrRnNGOYKa",
--                    "spotify:track:29xKs5BAHlmlX1u4gzQAbJ",
--                    "spotify:track:1PB7gRWcvefzu7t3LJLUlf"]
--    bad_id = 'BAD_ID'
--    @classmethod
--    def setUpClass(self):
--        self.spotify = Spotify(
--            client_credentials_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials())
--        self.spotify.trace = False
--    def test_audio_analysis(self):
--        result = self.spotify.audio_analysis(self.four_tracks[0])
--        assert('beats' in result)
--    def test_audio_features(self):
--        results = self.spotify.audio_features(self.four_tracks)
--        self.assertTrue(len(results) == len(self.four_tracks))
--        for track in results:
--            assert('speechiness' in track)
--    def test_audio_features_with_bad_track(self):
--        bad_tracks = []
--        bad_tracks = ['spotify:track:bad']
--        input = self.four_tracks + bad_tracks
--        results = self.spotify.audio_features(input)
--        self.assertTrue(len(results) == len(input))
--        for track in results[:-1]:
--            if track is not None:
--                assert('speechiness' in track)
--        self.assertTrue(results[-1] is None)
--    def test_recommendations(self):
--        results = self.spotify.recommendations(
--            seed_tracks=self.four_tracks,
--            min_danceability=0,
--            max_loudness=0,
--            target_popularity=50)
--        self.assertTrue(len(results['tracks']) == 20)
--if __name__ == '__main__':
--    unittest.main()
-diff --git a/tests/ 
-deleted file mode 100644
-index acbda5c..0000000
---- a/tests/
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
--# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
--""" Client Credentials Requests Tests """
--from spotipy import (
--    Spotify,
--    SpotifyClientCredentials,
--import os
--import sys
--import unittest
--sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.pardir))
--class ClientCredentialsTestSpotipy(unittest.TestCase):
--    """
--    These tests require user authentication - provide client credentials using
--    the following environment variables
--    ::
--    """
--    @classmethod
--    def setUpClass(self):
--        self.spotify = Spotify(
--            client_credentials_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials())
--        self.spotify.trace = False
--    muse_urn = 'spotify:artist:12Chz98pHFMPJEknJQMWvI'
--    def test_request_with_token(self):
--        artist = self.spotify.artist(self.muse_urn)
--        self.assertTrue(artist['name'] == 'Muse')
--if __name__ == '__main__':
--    unittest.main()

diff --git a/dev-python/spotipy/spotipy-2.7.1.ebuild 
similarity index 73%
rename from dev-python/spotipy/spotipy-2.7.1.ebuild
rename to dev-python/spotipy/spotipy-2.8.0.ebuild
index de81368..896765b 100644
--- a/dev-python/spotipy/spotipy-2.7.1.ebuild
+++ b/dev-python/spotipy/spotipy-2.8.0.ebuild
@@ -28,7 +28,17 @@ DEPEND="test? ( dev-python/mock[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )"
 distutils_enable_sphinx docs
 distutils_enable_tests pytest
+python_prepare_all() {
+       # this test requires user credentials
+       rm tests/integration/ || die
+       # this test requires a spotify client ID
+       rm tests/integration/ || die
+       distutils-r1_python_prepare_all
 python_test() {
        pytest -vv tests || die "Tests fail with ${EPYTHON}"

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