commit:     60b1762710a9f6685d5d3b625cc7f7e6c361cb34
Author:     Michał Górny <mgorny <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Wed Dec  3 23:58:26 2014 +0000
Commit:     Michał Górny <mgorny <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Wed Dec  3 23:58:26 2014 +0000

sys-devel/gcc: Remove defunct setup_multilib_osdirnames()

Remove setup_multilib_osdirnames() function since the sed call
does not apply anymore.

Package-Manager: portage-2.2.14

 sys-devel/gcc/gcc-4.9.2-r100.ebuild | 30 ------------------------------
 1 file changed, 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-4.9.2-r100.ebuild 
index f243294..2ab3ffd 100644
--- a/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-4.9.2-r100.ebuild
+++ b/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-4.9.2-r100.ebuild
@@ -82,34 +82,6 @@ pkg_setup() {
        unset LANGUAGES #265283
-setup_multilib_osdirnames() {
-       use multilib || return 0
-       local config
-       local libdirs="../lib64 ../lib32"
-       # this only makes sense for some Linux targets
-       case ${CTARGET} in
-               x86_64*-linux*)    config="i386" ;;
-               powerpc64*-linux*) config="rs6000" ;;
-               sparc64*-linux*)   config="sparc" ;;
-               s390x*-linux*)     config="s390" ;;
-               *)                 return 0 ;;
-       esac
-       config+="/t-linux64"
-       local sed_args=()
-       sed_args+=( -e 's:$[(]call if_multiarch[^)]*[)]::g' )
-       if [[ ${SYMLINK_LIB} == "yes" ]] ; then
-               einfo "updating multilib directories to be: ${libdirs}"
-               sed_args+=( -e 
'/^MULTILIB_OSDIRNAMES.*lib32/s:[$][(]if.*):../lib32:' )
-       else
-               einfo "using upstream multilib; disabling lib32 autodetection"
-               sed_args+=( -r -e 's:[$][(]if.*,(.*)[)]:\1:' )
-       fi
-       sed -i "${sed_args[@]}" "${S}"/gcc/config/${config} || die
 src_prepare() {
        export BRANDING_GCC_PKGVERSION="Gentoo ${PVR}::mgorny"
@@ -160,8 +132,6 @@ src_prepare() {
        find "${S}" -name \
                -exec sed -i 
'/^pkgconfigdir/s:=.*:=$(toolexeclibdir)/pkgconfig:' {} +
-       setup_multilib_osdirnames
        # Prevent new texinfo from breaking old versions (see #198182, #464008)
        epatch "${FILESDIR}"/gcc-configure-texinfo.patch

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