At 2005-04-22T08:38:22+0900, Georgi Georgiev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> maillog: 21/04/2005-23:43:57(+0200): Diego 'Flameeyes' Petten? types
> > Same for ieee1394, usually enables support for
> > media-plugins/libdc1394, sys-libs/libavc1394 and/or
> > sys-libs/libraw1394.
> Considering that a person rarely needs *both* libdc1394 and
> libavc1394, it would be even cooler to have *two* useflags.

Generally, I've noticed that use flags are named for the functionality
they enable, rather than the libraries that they pull in as depends. It
might be a cleaner approach to use "ieee1394" or even just "1394" as the
global flag, and then if any future packages offer a choice between
libs, add some local flags as appropriate.

Batou: Hey, Major... You ever hear of "human rights"?
Kusanagi: I understand the concept, but I've never seen it in action.
  --Ghost in the Shell

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