Evening list, and apologies to people where it's not evening,

I have the pleasure to tell you all about another new developer. His
name is Duncan Coutts, and he lives in Oxford, where he is working
towards his PhD in Computer Science. He will be joining the Haskell

He's competent in C and Haskell, and is also a developer for the gtk2hs
project (gtk2hs.sf.net, GTK2/GNOME bindings for Haskell).

Outside of his computing-related hobbies, Duncan enjoys unicycling and
amateur drama.

With the addition of Duncan to the team, Gentoo now 'owns' half of the
International Conference on Functional Programming contest-winning team
from 2004 [1]. Of course, the other member is Andres Loeh, also known as

Please show Duncan a warm welcome.

Best regards,

[1] http://www.cis.upenn.edu/proj/plclub/contest/results.php

Tom Martin, http://dev.gentoo.org/~slarti

AMD64, net-mail, shell-tools, recruiters, vim
Gentoo Linux

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