* Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [05/05/08 17:01 -0600]:
> You could always borrow from the Germans and call it app-handy.

Yeah!  That's pure Denglisch :)

And while we are on it, add all packages for presentations
into an "app-beamer" group ;-)

Well, back on topic.  Some of the suggested packages will
not work with GSM-phones only, but also with DECT-phones.
And if we include VoIP-Applications, they can finally get
into a better home than net-misc... app-telephony?

Regards, Lars

Lars Weiler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  +49-171-1963258
Gentoo Linux PowerPC    : Manager and Release Engineer
Gentoo Infrastructure   : CVS Administrator
Gentoo Public Relations : Assistance for Europe

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