On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 01:13:11PM +0200, Lars Weiler wrote:
> * Georgi Georgiev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [05/05/11 09:36 +0900]:
> > Starts to smell of a cvs problem...
> Two ideas to handle a check of metadata.xml:
> 1) repoman should run xmllint
> 2) the cvs-server can do it during commit (like it already
> does with other xml-documents)

Though I like (1) (probably (2) is redundant here) this will neither
solve nor prevent what happened to that metadata files since they are
XML valid and GLEP31 valid. (i.e. the file is UTF-8)


      \\|// . . .  o  o o  o  O  O   (   Born to be   )
       o o                           (      FREE      )
| Fernando José Pereda Garcimartín - http://www.ferdyx.org   |
| Gentoo Linux Developer - http://dev.gentoo.org/~ferdy      |
| [ ferdy AT ferdyx DOT org ] && [ ferdy AT gentoo DOT org ] |
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