Hi all,

A new developer is joining the MIPS port, to help with the Cobalt effort
and also to maintain the documentation. His name is Stuart Longland and
he lives in Brisbane, Australia where he is two years into his Bachelor
of IT (Software Engineering) and Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics)
combined degree and the Queensland University of Technology.

His interests are largely include electronics, programming, RISC
computing, networking, web design, his music collection (rock from
between the 60s and the 90s, mainly) and bushwalking.

Stuart's beginnings with Linux come from his experiences with FreeBSD.
He was impressed by the Ports system, and decided to create his own
distribution, called Atomic Linux, with a focus on ease of use,
source-based package management and a reasonable amount of tweaking. He
also aimed to support binary packages like RPMs. He

Then two years ago he discovered Gentoo, and he's been picking up ideas
for use in his own distribution, and he says that a lot of his
developments will come back as patches in our Bugzilla :)

Outside of University and computing, Stuart is active within a computer
club for autistic adults, run by the Asperger's Syndrome Support
Network (http://www.asperger.asn.au/). He maintains the network, and
also helps to run the club, which aims to help teach social skills
through the use of computers. Shame some people on IRC can't learn
social skills through the use of computers ;)

Stuart has Asperger's Syndrome hisself, although he writes that he's
"learned how to interact with people, however, so these days it's hard
for most people to spot."

Stuart's enjoying tinkering in the fields of embedded and RISC
computing. He has four MIPS machines (Tektronix TekXPress XP338, SGI
Indy, SGI Indigo2 Impact and Cobalt Qube2). He hasn't tried Sparc,
PA-RISC or ARM, but he is certainly interested.

So, with that, please say hi to Stuart if you see him on IRC, and
welcome him to the team.

Yours incoherently,

Tom Martin, http://dev.gentoo.org/~slarti
AMD64, net-mail, shell-tools, vim, recruiters
Gentoo Linux

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