On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 07:55:50PM -0400, Aron Griffis wrote:
> We understand when real life gets in
> the way of bug-fixing, because all our developers are volunteers.

I never ever would have considered becoming a developer if this hadn't
been the case. I have my day job to worry about responsibilities and

> Also I find it amusing when people say that Gentoo exists for the
> users.  I think that is wrong.  Gentoo exists for the *developers*.
> It's our playground, and it's the reason we use a live tree rather
> than switching to an actually sane approach.  The users are cool
> because they point out bugs, help solve problems on bugzilla, suggest
> enhancements, provide patches, and notify us of package updates.
> Sometimes they become developers.  But the truth is that Gentoo sees
> improvement and maintenance in the areas that appeal to the
> developers.  And that is why Gentoo exists for the developers first,
> the users second.

Back when I was not yet a Gentoo developer but just a developer using 
Gentoo, whenever I ran into a problem with one tool or other I was 
quite motivated to try and come up with a fix, because:
- it was easy to include the fix in the system because of the ebuild 
  format as well as the PORTAGE_OVERLAY feature
- it was easy to submit the fix back to Gentoo in a ready to use format
- I didn't have to wait forever for the next official release containing 
  the fix I contributed

I was also very pleased with all the up-to-date tools/applications at my

Now that I am a Gentoo developer I just want to help any development 
done on a Gentoo platform go as smoothly as possible by trying to keep 
bug response time and TTP (time-to-portage) of new versions down.

So in my mind, as someone else already mentioned, Gentoo is from 
developers for developers.


P.S.: I must say I have not yet taken part in any Gentoo project that
      isn't purely maintenance. Maybe if I did my view would change...
      hmmm... /me looks for a list of current projects

P.P.S.: Oh, and I cannot send this mail without mentioning that since
        the beginning, when I just started using Gentoo, I've always 
        felt welcome... something I didn't expect to find on the

Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.gentoo.org
Creator of BiteMe!       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.kfk4ever.com

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