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Ferris McCormick wrote:
> I also like alpha, but that is not what I am responding to.  And I have
> to admit that I haven't followed this too closely.  But the "if one arch
> stabalises..." assumption can be misleading.  For example, xorg-x11
> maintainer arch is x86 (spyderous will correct me if I am wrong), but I
> know of at least once instance in which sparc (and a few other archs)
> were stable ahead of x86.
> Granted, spyderous knew what was going on and why, but for a few days
> there, the "stabilises" rule of thumb with nothing more would have led
> the unsuspecting reader to believe that maintainer arch for xorg was sparc.

And this is the key, as usual: communication makes for happier devs. =)

But if sparc had gone ahead and stabilized without discussing it with
me, I would've been very pissed. I often have plans to add more stuff
before it goes stable, and when that happens, I'm left with two options,
both of which suck:

* Yet another bump for the new stuff, requiring everybody on ~arch to
recompile for things that often don't even affect them
* Acting as if the ebuild were still in testing despite the other arch
ignoring me and stabling it

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