On Wed, Jun 15, 2005 at 02:00:57PM +0200, Krzysiek Pawlik wrote:
> Jon Portnoy wrote:
> >>Symlink? If MIT == MetaKit, then:
>               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >>ln -s MIT MetaKit
> > I don't know about this specific case but generally speaking licenses 
> > that're similar in language and intent have very small (often cosmetic) 
> > differences; if there is even the slightest difference it (legally) 
> > qualifies as a different license and probably really should be included 
> > separately to be safe
> Exactly my point :) I've looked at MIT and MetaKit and:
> +Copyright (c) 1996-2001 Jean-Claude Wippler
> -Copyright (c) <year> <copyright holders>
> Except formatting and above diff theye are identical.

You're right; chances are this is a mistake on the part of whoever 
wrote/committed the MetaKit ebuild, it probably had a 'COPYING' file and 
whoever reviewed it didn't recognize the MIT license. File a bug

Either way the point still stands as far as licenses in general go 8)

Jon Portnoy
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